Sunday, June 14, 2009

Another Moment of Hope

I can't remember when it was, but I think I was getting my church clothes on this morning, and the though him me once again about wishing I could have changed how things turned out for Amelia. If, for example, she was sitting or leaning or her cord in my womb, could I have moved her a bit and prevent her dying? What if I had felt her non-movement sooner, would she still be alive?

Is there something I could have done to stop this irreversible loss of my daughter?

Then clear as a bell, the Holy Spirit reminded of me of Where she is at. She's in Heaven. Only because of this reality do we hope and have consolation. That is the only thing that wipes our tears and brings us out of that place of grief. If there was no hope of heaven, we would just have to say that "time heals things" or other bits of bunk.

I don't want to make it seem that I'm always grieving about losing Amelia, because I'm not always thinking about her. But her memory is always here and once in a while, I am sad. And I want to honestly share about those moments.

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