Thursday, March 12, 2009

Saving Money

The crunch is finally lifting.

We are done with taxes and take them in to get checked tomorrow afternoon. So, hopefully that's the end of them and we don't have much more tweaking. And -

I got the car back today! Hey, we're out $800, but vehicles just don't take care of themselves, do they? Honestly, our Camry has been good to us, as both our Toyotas have been. Brilla and I had a wonderful time with friends today. The Mama was SO sweet to take me around in her van to do some shopping since I didn't have the car yet. Thank you, Susi!

And I was encouraged by Susi's post to save some money. I have some ways I myself try to save money (not necessarily tied to the environment). Here goes:

  • Take showers at the gym. I don't feel guilty taking a shower every day this way!
  • Use a waterbottle that I fill at home before I go to the gym. I have saved a ton by not buying bottled water.
  • I can make 4 meals out of a whole chicken! First meal is roast chicken, second is chicken tacos or sandwiches, third is chicken fried rice, and third is a nice pot o' chicken soup! Yum.
  • I no longer buy books or rent movies. I check them out from the library. At least until the last season of 24 comes out :)
  • I buy a huge "value" bottle of handsoap and just refill my dispensers when needed. And I buy Softsoap's Soothing Aloe Vera.
  • Buy at Costco. Magazines are 30% off the cover price.Olive oil is about $25 for 2 bottles. Vanilla, $5.99 for a big bottle. Their frozen/ice glazed chicken breasts are a good deal. They cook easily. Mozzarella string cheese in bulk is cheaper (we go through it fast). Organic Free Range chicken broth - so much cheaper than the store. We go through soups like nothing. Orowheat bread is great deal (2 loaves). There are a wide range of items. We usually rotate buying things so we're not stuck with a TON of groceries, actually wasting them in the long run.
  • Majority of groceries are bought at Winco. Gotta love that place! Items that are especially bargains for me there are the Dole frozen juice (.98/can), lean ground beef ($3/lb), cheese blocks, deli meat, produce (very fresh), and all things canned.
  • I usually buy my coffee at Tully's or other tried-and-true coffee places that don't cost the Big Bucks. But yes, I still drink Big Bucks from time to time. Because face it, they are like everywhere!
  • And these days, I'm even cutting back on going out for coffee, opting instead for home brew or tea. At least when by myself. Going out with girl friends is a whole nuther ballpark!
  • DO NOT buy things on clearance just because they're on clearance.
  • Use less detergent in the dish washer and washing machine. I believe you only need about a quarter size of dish detergent and sometimes same for the washer.
  • My basic housecleaner is Simple Green! Use for everything.
  • The only non-water drink I buy is frozen juice. Saves money AND calories.
  • I buy Brilla the Suave 3-in-1 soap. It's a body soap, shampoo, and conditioner. And under $2.
  • I use conditioner (versus shaving cream) for shaving.
  • Rinse off my aluminum foil and reuse.
  • Make majority of meals at home and spice things up by finding new recipes.
  • AAA all the way. So many places gives discounts if you're a member.

That is all I can think of. I glean so much from other ladies.


Susannah Forshey said...

Clearance stuff, HAHA!! That's my BIGGEST weakness. Only recently in my life, have I begun to confront myself with this...thanks to some gentle words from my husband. :D

Kelli said...

Great tips. Praying for you often.