I am getting cabin fever with waiting for Baby Katie to come. You are probably tired of hearing me say this, but days seems to be creeping by. Even Mike agreed these have been the longest last two weeks ever.
Well, I've decided not to drag my feet, but take advantage of this time in the "waiting room". There will be plenty of moaning and groaning during labor, so might as well enjoy these pre-two-children moments.
This weekend, we got so much done! I have been waiting forever for this certain bookcase to come around and it finally made its appearance in the AS-IS section of IKEA:
Only difference, ours goes horizontal, not vertical. Mike bolstered it up nice and secure. It looks smashing, and it totally opens up the floor space in Baby Katie's room.
We also finally donated some clothing, old piano music, etc to Salvation Army. It had been sitting in the back of our car forever. After getting those things out of the way, I was able to then vacuum the entire Camry and clean it out. Looks lovely now! I also took it for a nice drive in the car wash. I don't wash my car myself anymore. Takes too much time and effort. And for $6, you can't go wrong. Also put in Bri's new booster seat and Baby's infant seat - you never know!
I went in search of lavender smelling salts for when I have Baby. They worked wonders last time I was in labor. I crept into Bath and Body, but they had nothing. Then I remembered Marshall's has such a vast selection of those kind of things! I found exactly what I was looking for...and more!...for about the fraction of the price. Ended up with a wonderful candle, lotion, soap and hair protecting gel - all in lavender. Like I said, a little carried away :)
Sunday service at (hoping new church) was excellent. So inspiring. So Biblical. So challenging and convicting. It was on the last bit of 1 John, 5:18-21, about the 3 "We Knows":
"We know that whoever is born of God sins not; but he that is born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him. And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lies in wickedness. And we know that the Son of God is come, and has given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in Him that is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen."
I was reminded how important it is to know the Scripture, to know Who I believe in, to know Jesus Christ. There are those out there who know so much about religion, head knowledge, but it's not made a personal impact on their lives, their hearts. I was also challenged to change; repent of my sin, and be conformed to Christ. As we took communion, I was once again in awe of the sacrifice Jesus paid on my behalf. The fact that He took on the sin of the whole world. And suffered the cruelest death, for all the sins He never committed. Wow. What a humble, powerful God we love.
After church, we ate lunch at Costco. We also went shopping, and came away with quite the stock of food. Grapefruit cups, berries, granola bars, Vitamin Water, and other stuff for *when* Baby comes, hopefully this week! We all had naps, then we got out of the house to Alki Beach in West Seattle. It was a bit blustery, but the ocean was blue as ever. We ate at a place called Sun Fish and had fish n chips, garden salad and clam chowder. Yum! I wish we could have walked more. I love walking when I'm pregnant. But it was just too cold. We had not been prepared for the wind!
Though I'm antsy for Katie to come, I'm treasuring these days alone with Brilla. Today we are getting some errands done. But no piano or Bible Study for the week!
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