Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Good Intentions

Before I get started, please pray for my friend, Sarah. She just recently found out she lost her baby (miscarriage). She has had one boy, a miscarriage, another boy, then this miscarriage. I'm sure her heart is aching right now. So if you get a chance, please bring her before the Father.

I have such good intentions when it comes to various projects in my life. Like scrap booking. Did you know last year I finally finished the pages for my high school graduation? Yes, lame. And I still have not attempted sewing. I have a whole box full of sewing pages and tools. Instead, I have been nursing, changing diapers, laying kiddies down for bed, cooking dinner, and cleaning my house. Wash, rinse, repeat.

There are so many things that other moms are doing out there I truly admire. But every mom at some point faces the reality she can't do it all. She must decide what is important to her and her family and stick with that. Even if it's just ironing all the shirts for your husband (or something like that, my husband never needs his clothing ironed unless we're going to wedding and even that's pushing it for him).

My big thing lately has been getting my daily time with the Lord. No, I don't have a whole hour chunk. But I do have about a half-hour before my daughters wake up. Or 15 minutes before bed time. I naturally want to get started right away on my to-do list, but have to remember that my whole day needs to be dedicated to the Lord because He will give me wisdom as to what to accomplish, give or take a few things on my list :)

So I am officially starting Beth Moore's Believing God. I've heard from countless friends that her books are amazing. Of all my goals, this is the most vital. I love my Jesus so much and want to get to know Him and serve Him better.

My other goal has been to get back to cooking meals at home. It's been 2 months since I've had baby, and we've eaten out a ton. Not good for the body nor the wallet. To make it fun, I've been adventuring straight through my Rachael Ray cook book. I'm determined to get through it, even if it kills my husband. Just kidding. He doesn't like all the combinations of seasonings that she has in her recipes, a little too rich or a tad off for his taste. I absolutely love all of them. But then, I'm a bit bias, being the cook.

My third goal I'm working at is losing weight. I have made it to the gym 3x a week for the past 3 weeks. I not only want to shed the extra pounds from pregnancy, but I also want to tone my tummy, since 3 pregnancies will do quite the number on ya. AND I want to get in shape for soccer again! But we'll see if I even have time for that. Games are in the evening and usually in the evening, I just want to snuggle with my hubby on the couch while we watch TV and play with the girls. However, my biggest struggle is not with working out. It's food. I love cooking food and eating it. I'd rather run 3 miles than curb my eating. Herein lies my challenge.

As for the all those books (earlier post) I am wanting to get through, you can guarantee I always make time for reading. Whether it's on the treadmill, during toilet time (I know, TMI), or a bit in between the girls' naps, reading has always been a part of my life. My idea for a perfect day would be sitting in a lounge chair with a cup of hot coffee or chai latte, holding a good read, while my husband massages my feet. Oh. Yeah.

But until then, I am plugging away at the day-to-day that God has for me! I honestly love my life and wouldn't have it any other way! I have nothing to complain about. Some days dip and others peak, but the one thing that never fails is that God stays the same. I can depend on God for every need I have. I don't have to carry my burdens (though I often choose to), but can lay them all at His feet. His mercies are new every single morning. "Great is Thy faithfulness"!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Joy, I'm so proud of you! Keep up with your good intentions, especially your time with God. You will be so blessed by it. It's so fun to read about your growing family. Can't wait to see you again in the fall.