Monday, November 2, 2009

I'm Late! For a Very Important Date! No time....

God has really worked on me in the area of preparedness and being on time. It is every mom's downfall, really. We have so much we want to do, so little time. All our priorities go out the window as we wipe noses and clean up spilled cereal.

Actually, the mom excuse is not my excuse. I was late before I was married.

God has shown me that lateness is downright selfish. When I am late, I am telling someone, "My time is more important than yours." I'm not talking about being late because the unexpected happens, traffic you had no clue just happened to be blocking the road, or someone had an accident on the way out the door. Or even the occasional 'oops' as time has gotten away. I'm talking about consistently late. Being consistently late means I haven't taken the extra time needed to prepare. I'm not thinking of the person waiting on the "other side".

It begs the question, "If I can be consistently late, why can't I be consistently on time?"

So these last couple years, I've really worked hard at being places when I say I will be there, being punctual for those medical and dental appointment, etc. And by God's grace, I am getting there! Really, all those years I was late, I was really stressing myself out. Not only do you usually forgot things when you're're usually unprepared, and putting yourself at risk for a speeding ticket. Also, being timely is a much better example to my daughter. I'm not always saying, "Come on, we're going to be late!" She has more peace, and so do I.

Also, I've missed out on things. The great prayer at the beginning of a Bible study. The time for a cup of coffee while chatting. The opportunity to use the restroom (applies when your pregnant!), just the chance to be instead of rush.

I hope none of you will be holding me accountable, as I've set this high bar for myself! But like I said, God is working on me. God speaks to each of us in different areas throughout our life, and this is my "construction zone". But have to say, things are forming up pretty well :)

And now, that I'm expecting another child, things will have to start from square one again :)
I know, all you moms of multiples are laughing!

1 comment:

Susannah Forshey said...

I hear you on this one, Joy. It's taken years of being on Army Time (where "on time" means 20 minutes early, minimum) to make me realize that I just have to be more honest with myself about Time in general. It may SOUND good to say, "I'll be there in 5 minutes!" to someone, like you're dropping everything and racing to them--they're the most important thing in the world. But in truth, it's going to take 15 minutes, and I have made myself a liar. In the long run I think that people respect accuracy in this "time issue" more than they respect your desire to FLY across town to be there in 5 minutes.

It is a learned skill, I've realized...I have to look more closely at exactly what IS involved with getting out the door (1 minute to get up the stairs, 2 minutes to put on children's shoes, 5 minutes to check my hair & makeup, 1 minute to don a coat, a minute to buckle Violet up, 5 more minutes to warm up the van,)...and then add 15 minutes to that for unforeseen mishaps like "I have to go potty!" at the last second. :) It's taken years, but I think I'm finally getting the hang of it. Just in time to add another child to our family, right?? Now I have to estimate another 20 minutes to our "getting ready" time!