Thursday, September 27, 2012

I am so glad this world is not our home. I mean, it's our temporary one, but not permanent dwelling place.

This is a comfort,especially after seeing countless dear ones die, and others contract incurable disease and still, others endure suffering. This earth is such a trap for our hearts to chase after wrong goals too - to earn the mighty dollar, to be popular, to acquire more things, to be the perfect family.

My hear aches for so many around me. The longer life I lead, the more I see it, the more I pray and the more I long for heaven.

My daughter, Amelia, would have been four years old this last Monday. I almost can't believe she would be that old. Old enough to talk about Jesus, old enough to run and play with her sisters. Old enough to just love on and grab for a hug and kiss. Oh, to hold her.

But she is in Heaven, surrounded by so much love by the One Who is Love. His love is so incredibly perfect,  so redeeming and eternal, that is leaves me dripping with thankfulness. I think I love my children and my husband, but it in no way is even close to His Love.

Some day we will be with our Savior, Jesus Christ in heaven and we will have our questions answered, or our questions will seem futile in the splendor of His presence. His glorious, amazing presence.

What will it be like to be in heaven? Last night, I couldn't go to sleep, for thinking of what it look like, how I will worship the King of Kings. To think that Creator God loves us so much that He sent His Son to bleed and be darkened, abandoned with our sin upon Him is incredible. Every time I think of it, my mind is blown.

When all the duties of the day have been done, and I am worn out, I ponder this Grace. And somehow, it renews my Spirit, it lifts my weary soul and gives me rest.

I am loved, my daughter in Heaven is loved, I can show my daughters this kind of love because He first loved me!

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