Monday was utterly crazy. Well, let me start again. Sunday night after studying the Word, I was convicted I needed to show more patience with my eldest. They say not to pray for patience, right? Well, I did, and I'm glad I did. If I hadn't been stalwart in my commitment to show patience, not in my strength, in the Lord's strength, don't think I could have handled the Monday to come.
I awoke to the horrible smell of poop. My thought was my eldest must have laid a big egg. But as I lay there in bed, I realized the smell was so strong it lingered. For an hour. I finally ventured out, almost scared to ask. The answer was, my daughter had not made it to the bathroom in time, which hasn't happened since she was 3. There it was - all over the linoleum, all over her sleeping place. Amazingly, she and I worked together to clean it all up with only minor stressing (on my part) going on. We still loved each other afterward. It was definitely the Holy Spirit working on my heart and prodding me to hold my anger in check and be infinitely patient. Truth was, all the years I had peed in my bed (until age 9) and hid my sheets from the anger of my mother, came flooding back and I couldn't help but show love instead.
Next, the baby was having a rough day. Reese usually eats every 3 hrs but that day she wouldn't sleep a full nap and she was eating sporadically. My middle girl had a cold and she was super whiny and needy as well. I felt like crying. All these needs and only one of me! Only two hands and two feet!
While this was going on, I had my eldest still cleaning up her mess from earlier. She misunderstood one direction and accidentally stuffed an already full washer (which was currently on the rinse/spin cylce) even fuller with a quilt. That broke the washer's back, so to speak. It started make a ticking noise and would no longer spin correctly. We are currently looking for a new washer.
All this to say, it must have been the Spirit who helped me put on the "armor" to guard myself from the enemy's fiery darts. I think moms tend to put a lot of pressure on their oldest daughters. It shouldn't be that way. I need to put to practice the same attitudes I would like to have shown toward me...forgiveness, love, patience, humility.
Surprisingly, we had a great day of school. Got everything done, with good attitudes to boot. Since Baby's birth, we're a little behind, but we have a plan and we're executing it! Props to my daughter for being such a hard worker and doing school even before being asked!
Today was a pretty hard day too. All the girls are now sick. Baby came down with it on Monday, I think. Probably why she was so fussy. Today she was the same, but had some good moments of being alert and happy. She just went down about 10 minutes ago. Wasn't sure if she was going to sleep! She whined for about 10 minutes but stopped, so hopefully she'll be good for a while. She certainly needs the sleep. I need it too.
Made some delicious and moist peanut butter and banana muffins today. They are from Jessica Seinfeld's Deceptively Delicious recipes. These are great. Katie doesn't like veggies as much as Brilla, so I sneak them in sometimes.
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