Reese Emily is officially one-week old. The last couple nights have been almost too good to be true. She has given me at a couple 3+ hr chunks of sleep. And her eating is great, except for some reason she is not a fan of my left side. So I've been pumping that side to equal things out.
Today was Bible study day, but we didn't go. We're still getting our schedule down. Unfortunately, after loading my girls in the car and driving all the way to Lake Tapps for our newborn check-up appointment, there was no one there! I assume (hope) this means a sudden at-home birth was taking place and not that I got the date wrong. We made the best of it, and stopped at Top Foods for some fresh produce and not so healthy donuts. But I tell you what, they are some of the best around and not as expensive at Top Pot (our favorite).
I actually took a shower and did my hair today. Didn't get as far as makeup. There are a lot of things around here that I'll eventually get around to...bills, laundry, taxes, consistent homeschooling. You know, just the essentials! :)
I am loving being a mom of three. I am beyond blessed. I remember about 3 1/2 years ago, my heart ached for a babe I could not have. And here I hold the most precious newborn girl I could dream for.
1 comment:
Joy cometh in the morning. (This sounds much better if it also weren't your name. Or perhaps it sounds infinitely better. ;D
Have I mentioned I LOVE her cheeks?!?!
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