Just signed up my daughter for ballet. She is THE happiest girl on the planet right now. Spinning and twirling around the house. We just went to Target and bought her a leotard and tights. Then we headed to the consignment store and got her another cute leotard (complete with skirt) and shoes for about 1/3 the price at the regular store. Yep, just checked. She's still twirling :)
Katie has finally decided to be interested in regular food. Pureed doesn't do it for her, I guess! So her diet the past couple days has been rice, banana, corn, and squash. We're headed to the store to buy some more things like avocado, whole milk yogurt, and perhaps some organic teething biscuits. It's also much easier to feed her since I assembled the high chair! We've had this thing before Brilla was born. But we also received one of those chairs that goes in a regular chair, so we used that for Brilla instead. Now we have this snazzy new high chair that I have to clean up, ha! Actually, it's not that hard. It has wheels, too, so I can move it around the best spot by the table. She loves being part of the family at the dinner family. Too cute!
I just received a NALA (National Association of Legal Assistants) letter. I am a certified legal assistant (paralegal) and have been for about 3 years plus. However, in order to maintain my certification, I have to take continuing education courses. I don't mind the courses. They are very fun and pick my brain. Plus, they are online now. But they cost money! And lots of it. About $75 per course. Anyway, the letter was letting me know they are extending my certification for another year (was going to expire 1/31/10). Now I have to decide if I want to keep it! Truth is, we plan to have more children, so I will not be working outside the home (Lord willing) for quite a while. And I have never used my certification. For about 2 years before kids I looked for an open position, but none were available. I'm very much tempted just to let my paralegal status expire. But 'tis sad, seeing all the work I have put into the past (especially in law school) be gone with the wind. Hmm. Any opinions?
I am loving this break week after Christmas. No Bible study. No piano lessons. No big commitments whatsoever! We have been playing with new toys (okay the kids have), crocheting ( I have), watching our new DVDs, making dinner, and just enjoying time together. Wish this could go on forever!
If I don't post sooner, Happy New Year to you and yours! And maybe I'll get a new background and play list for 2011!!