Wednesday, January 9, 2019


I have a few goals for this year. Its the first time in about a decade I've actually been thrilled to set some for myself, goals I really want to accomplish. I will admit - they are not earth shattering and they will not make me look like Wonder Woman.

But they are my goals nonetheless. 

#1     Read 13 books (at least!)

#2     Eat healthier (no dairy, watch portions and limited sugar)

#3     More physical activity (walk every day)

#4     Read through the Bible (personal plan and student plan)

These are lofty, I know. As the excitement wears off, it will be tougher in the daily grind to prioritize. But it always feels good to follow through with something!

To read through the Bible, I'm currently using The Bible Project. It has a website and reading plan plus videos and the kids love it so far. It does not hail as the boring stuff I've used before. This actually has an overview and goes at a quick space. So we'll not be studying Genesis forever and ever, Amen. I also have a personal plan - simply the ESV Bible Reading plan. It's literally a checklist. Right now I'm in the Psalms. It is so contemplative to simply read through the Scriptures versus analyzing every jot and tiddle. I'm not saying studies are bad (believe me, I am a study guru), I've just never read through the Bible in one year before; and it is a totally different experience.

As for eating healthier, this is not a super fun goal because it seems like I commit to doing this every year. What makes it more fun, is that it is not strict. I can eat some dessert here and a snack there. What makes it different is that I'm noting down what I eat, how much, staying away from dairy (my body has an allergic reaction) and limiting sugar intake. 

To make the healthier lifestyle count, I want to be active. Park further away, take the stairs and walk as much as I can. My goal is to walk every day but sometimes that is just not possible - either because of the weather or because I don't have anyone to walk with me for safety. However, I've made it work a handful of times! I have used a time where I would just sit and wait for a class to be over to instead go outside and walk. Or stand up for computer time versus using a chair. Or volunteer to do work others might do instead.

I don't trust myself to commit to doing a workout video. It is like pulling my hair out to do that. In my opinion, it is SO boring! I would rather see nature and inhale that fresh air. Plus, its inevitable in every great workout to bounce, and my joints just can't take that kind of impact anymore. Pilates and yoga are great...I may be willing to do a few videos with those. But besides that, count me for going outside. Yes, even in the rain.

Lastly, but not least, I am reading away! I've already started about four books, which won't be listed here, for posterity sake. As soon as I'm done reading, I'll post a review. I started off limiting myself to only a certain category of books but thought "What the hey, I'm reading whatever strikes my fancy!" Especially since this is my first year doing a reading challenge. So far, I enjoy my reads. 

Stay tuned.